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Discover our biannual report on

The sustainability report is the main tool for an organization or company to voluntarily communicate its performance and impact on its actions, environmental, social and governance issues.

With that in mind, we partnered with a specialist company to prepare our sustainability report. A Datafairrs is a corporate intelligence consultancy that provides customized solutions at the interface between sustainability, technology and communication. Writing the report requires developing and communicating the link between sustainability and business, compiling information and updating it regularly, collecting data that is relevant to stakeholders, to outline the most appropriate access for the execution of our projects and actions, indicating tools for show which are the best paths to take.

Our sustainability report includes a materiality matrix, with the aim of identifying which audiences to involve in the process, analyzing internal documents, departments and benchmarks, transforming something abstract into tangible.

Through the use of quantitative methods, we will have up to 12 indicators, the report will be biannual, and through it we will define strategies and goals to measure performance and manage the transition to a business model that adheres to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, which address the main development challenges faced by people in Brazil and around the world.

It is important to state that many actions are already carried out by Emibra in relation to sustainability, but we understand that evolution is constant and necessary, as we do continuous work that relies on everyone's commitment and collaboration so that we can measure and reap the fruits of actions carried out, further reinforcing the trust of our stakeholders.

Learn more about our actions by downloading!


In our biannual sustainability report, EMIBRA's materiality process also served as a compass for us to be more assertive in actions in line with the 2030 agenda.

We identified that EMIBRA's material themes are transversal to the seven SDGs, which serve as a management and orientation mechanism for the company's internal programs and institutional support.

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