We are a graphic industry of
in cardboard


Structured packaging in paperboard to pack quality and add value to the final product.


The packaging in labels transcribes any information related to the product in its structure.


The cards are made of card paper, whose product is fixed by a type of bubble-shaped plastic.


The packaging structured in displays made of cardboard and has the purpose of exposing the product packed in another packaging.

packed with
passion and efficiency

A satisfação de nossos clientes e parceiros mostram com clareza o principal valor ético da Emibra valoriza desde sua fundação: a felicidade das  pessoas. Nossa qualidade em embalagens se traduz quando percebemos o bem estar de nossos clientes e nos convencemos de que tudo será executado com a eficiência e compromisso de quem tem paixão pelo que faz.

packed with
passion and efficiency

The satisfaction of our customers and partners clearly shows the main ethical value that Emibra has valued since its foundation: people's happiness. Our quality in packaging is reflected when we perceive the well-being of our customers and are convinced that everything will be carried out with the efficiency and commitment of those who are passionate about what they do.

Meet our
biannual report of
The sustainability report is the main tool for an organization or company to voluntarily communicate its performance and impact on its actions, environmental, social and governance issues.
Two Sides
“The print and paper communication industries, in addition to being highly sustainable, are activities essential to people's lives and to the proper functioning of society.”

" Promoting community development through actions and social projects, acting so that the population develops skills that allow them to change the course of their destinies, assuming a leading role."
Emaús Institute
"Restoring the meaning of life and social belonging to people in situations of exclusion and invisibility, broadening horizons and dreams." or "Re-signify people's lives, promoting an integral vision of human beings and their dignity."
what customers
they say
about Us:
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